Observability Maturity Assessment

Observability Maturity is a framework to measure how well your service meets the industry standards for observability.

Why should I invest time in improving my service’s Observability Maturity?

Teams that invest the time to bring their services up to a good level of maturity ensure they will have the data necessary to quickly troubleshoot issues with their service. Services at the low level will likely spend wasted time trying to pull all the needed metrics. Teams that invest in achieving Excellent level have made Observability part of their regular processes and will have all the necessary Metrics, Logs, and Traces required to quickly resolve any issues. Genius level services have made Observability automatic. Any issues that occur could potentially be resolved automatically or detected in time to prevent any outage.

Observability Maturity Assessment Levels

How do I know the level of Observability Maturity for my service?

We help you Complete the Observability Maturity Assessment. If you discover your service is not at the good level, work to improve the observability using the provided documentation.

PSNS Offer

PSNS offers a “Observability Maturity Self Assessment”. This will allow you to measure where your service is on the Observability Journey.