Service Resilience Assessment

We provide a service resilience matrix and conduct assessments to help service owners identify and fill the gaps in service resilience.

Executive Summary

The Service Resilience Assessment is the result of applying the resilience maturity matrix to your service. The matrix is a framework to measure how well a service meets the industry standards for reliability.

We conduct a service by service survey to understand their rating according to this framework. Translating the framework to a score we observe that a service that scores at least 30 out of 60 can be considered reliable. Any service with a score of less than 30 is not meeting resilience maturity expectations.

Any service with high criticality to business must bring the reliability of the service to a production worthy level.

Resilience Maturity Assessment Matrix

The Resilience Maturity Assessment Matrix considers the following five pillars of reliablility and takes a deep dive to explore service reliability in each of these areas.

1. High availability
2. Release Engineering
3. Performance and capacity planning
4. Service level objectives & Error budgets
5. Incident management and emergency response


Service Resilience Model


The result of the assessment is a set of recommendation to the service owners in-terms of time and areas of improvement. We also help guide the service owners to priorotise the improvement areas and come up with an improvement plan


It is our recommendation that services with high business criticality should invest 20% of total time improving reliability. Services with a lower criticality should invest 15% of total time improving reliability and services with medium criticality should spend 10% of total time on improving non functional requirements until they meet resilience maturity expectations.

Service Resilience Model

PSNS Offer

PSNS offers to help you identify your service resilience level using the Service Resilience Assessment.